Jakarta – A number of organisations that make up the Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform have condemned the shooting of senior Papuan advocate and human rights activists Yan Christian Warinussy.
Documents containing the term 'Latifah Anum Siregar'

Arjuna Pademme, Jayapura – The government appears to be at a loss as to how to quell the struggle by the Free Papua Organisation or OPM with its plan to designate Papua independence organisations as terrorist groups.

Jayapura – On Tuesday March 3 the Balikpapan District Court rejected a demurer presented by seven Papuan political prisoners (tapol) who are defendants in a treason case currently being tried in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

Jakarta – Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) researcher Aisah Putri Badriati is surprised that neither presidential candidate raised the issue of West Papua in first presidential debate on January 17.

Suwardiman – After nine years, support by various elements of society for special autonomy (otsus) is weakening.